Parkinson and diet

April is Parkinson’s complaint mindfulness month. This neurodegenerative complaint affects 25,000 people in Quebec. While inheritable predilection and environmental factors are associated with the complaint, experimenters are decreasingly interested in the part of diet in both precluding and decelerating the progression of the complaint. Let’s take stock!

Parkinson’s complaint results from the declination of whim-whams cells that regulate the collaboration of movements via the product of dopamine, a neurotransmitter. This complaint is characterized by temblors, muscle severity, braked movements and postural insecurity. The complaint can also beget other symptoms similar as swallowing problems and constipation.


  1. Foods rich in antioxidants Studies suggest that advanced consumption of foods rich in antioxidants(e.g., vitamin E, vitamin C and polyphenols similar as anthocyanins) is associated with a lower menace of Parkinson’s complaint. Antioxidants cover the body’s cells from damage that can occur as we progress or from exposure to certain environmental factors similar as pollution. Fruits and vegetables are among the foods richest in antioxidants.
  2. The Mediterranean Diet Several studies have associated the Mediterranean diet with a reduced hazard of Parkinson’s complaint. In 2020, a study of 47,679 actors set up that those who followed the Mediterranean diet were less likely to develop early symptoms of Parkinson’s complaint than those who followed a less healthy diet. The Mediterranean diet is characterized by a high consumption of fruits, vegetables, legumes, fish, whole grains and unsaturated fats(e.g., olive oil painting) and a low consumption of flesh, impregnated fats and sweets. This diet, basically grounded on shops, hasanti-inflammatory parcels. It’s the diet that protects the most against the development of habitual conditions similar as cardiovascular conditions and cancers. Considering its defensive part against neurodegenerative conditions, it’s surely a diet model to borrow.
  1. Caffeine Studies report an inverse relationship between caffeine consumption and the threat of developing Parkinson’s complaint. Its implicit benefits are attributed to its negative action on the A2A adenosine receptors, which are involved in the regulation of dopamine. still, further studies are demanded to determine the optimal cure and source of caffeine and the mechanisms behind the defensive goods. Sources of caffeine include coffee and tea.
  2. Tea A 2019 meta- analysis set up that tea consumption was associated with a lower threat of developing Parkinson’s complaint, particularly among those who consumed further than one mug of tea per day. In addition to caffeine, several factors of tea may be salutary similar as polyphenols, methylxanthine, epigallocatechin gallate, theanine and flavonoids.
  3. Omega- 3s Unsaturated fatty acids are important ingredients of neuron membranes. Studies indicate that the consumption of unsaturated fatty acids, particularly omega- 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, is equally associated with Parkinson’s complaint. These results could be explained by the capability of omega- 3 to limit the seditious response. Omega- 3 rich foods include flaxseed, walnuts, and adipose fish, similar as salmon and sardines.
  4. Fiber Nearly 80 of people with Alzheimer’s complaint have problems with constipation. The study of their microbiota also reveals the cornucopia of seditious microorganisms. This dysbiosis is the subject of more and more studies considering the growing interest of experimenters in the alternate brain( brain- gut axis). Modifying the microbiota with a diet rich in fiber( whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds) with probiotics( kefir, instigated milk,etc.) and prebiotics( inulin,etc.) could be a remedial avenue of interest.
  5. Dairy products Studies have associated dairy consumption with a advanced prevalence of Parkinson’s complaint. This association was stronger with milk than with other dairy products similar as yogurt and rubbish. A 2014 meta- analysis showed that the threat increased by 17 for every 200 g/ day increase in milk consumption and by 13 for every 10 g/ day increase in rubbish consumption. still, further studies are demanded before recommending a drop in dairy products to help Parkinson’s complaint. The wisdom on the part of diet in the forestallment of Parkinson’s complaint is still in its immaturity, but one fact remains the Mediterranean diet can only bring benefits! What are you staying for to borrow it?
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